Get Up to 40% OFF Large Variety of Holy QuranPara Sets * Special Discounts for Madrasah & Mosque.


We have been supplying Urdu books to UK & EU Public Libraries since 1969 and have well trained qualified cataloguing staff.

We have a showroom in Bradford and huge stock of fiction and non-fiction titles. Apart from Urdu literature, we are also supplying Islamic books in Arabic and English as well. We are providing services to libraries on the lowest price structure and with the same dedication to provide the most efficient service possible and full servicing facility to shelf-ready books.

We have a database of each library and we check and control the duplication of books as well.

Reader's Request for Urdu Books

Our monitoring and user surveys show that we satisfy 90% of reader’s requests provided by our partner libraries within 7 days. We have our own procurements offices in Pakistan and associate suppliers in India.

Quarterly List

We prepare new list of latest Urdu books on quarterly basis and send to the libraries and then librarian choose from the list. This way we help our partner libraries to provide their readers with latest Urdu books.

Supplier Selection

Libraries shared with us about their spending and requirements for the whole financial year. Our qualified staff then select the best reading books for them and all our partner libraries are happy and satisfied with our service.

We are pleased to announce that our services have been upgraded to provide following FREE services to our partner libraries:

    In association with BDS, we provide UKMARC and MARC21 electronic bibliographic records, ready to load directly onto your system.
    We provide activated security tags compatible with your system.
  • EDI
    We provide EDI, subject to testing to ensure compatibility with your system.

We also provide following services tailored to the needs of our partner libraries:

  • Transliterated slips/labels
  • Barcodes
  • Date labels
  • Spine labels
  • Book sleeves / hard plastic covers / binding / rebinding
  • Any other customized service that is required.